Sunday, September 19, 2010

9/17 TX NM AZ

As typical I headed out early as the AZ temps were going to be extreme. The morning started out very mild but I must have been climbing in elevation as there was a heavy fog and the temps dropped to 60. At my first gas stop about two hours down the road I switched to my heavy jacket and gloves. Much better :). The road continues and runs right along the Mexican border. The Border Patrol is VERY visible along this stretch.

A few hours later I crossed into NM with temps still mild but warming. The next gas stop necessitated a change back to my lighter jacket. From there the temps continued to climb and by my next stop in Tucson is was in the low 90's. I pulled out my cool vest that had been soaking in the ice chest. The cooling effect with the air blowing across provides a nice break from the heat but it evaporates quickly at those temps. I had 150 miles to go to my folks house in Surprise, at the north end of Phoenix. The temps were downright blazing and it felt like a blast furnace. The high temp on my thermometer was only 110! Can you say H O T !! The AC at my folks sure felt nice! The heat sure zaps your energy and I dozed off about 2030 and that was it till morning.

I'll be heading off Monday for corner #4. The temps are forecast to be 108 or so in Yuma so it will be an early departure

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yiakss... hot hot hot.. @_@
must apply alot & thick sunscreen...