Saturday, September 25, 2010

4 Corners - The numbers...

For those of you that like numbers...

•34 days
•2 Canadian provinces – BC and Ontario
•2 partial days of rain (north border of Maine, Miami, Fl
•92 gas stops (missing a few receipts so probably more like 95
•353 gallons of gas (probably another 15-20 in the missing receipts)
•MPG - Highest 42.37, Lowest 25.35. All of this is pulling my trailer. Don’t know were the 42 was but the 25 was probably blasting thru west Texas were the posted limit on I-10 is 80. Sure does make the miles fly by!
•Highest gas prices in US I saw - $3.59 in Blaine WA Chevron - I did not go there!. Highest paid was in Ontario, Canada $4.05/gal. Lowest – Sioux City IA $2.32
•GPS miles – 12,748. Speedo miles – 12707. I suspect speedo error for the difference.
•Average cost per day $97.21
•Camped a lot on the northern ½ , none on the southern ½. Humidity was high, with the worst being Florida and Key West specifically. Humidity was very mild until I hit Florida. Also my modified schedule for the 2nd ½ put me on the super slab so not much in the way of camping
•Mechanical issues – none. Got a new front tire in VA and an oil change.
•Temperature extremes – 29 outside of Yellowstone, 110 Phoenix. – that was a HOT ride

Mission: Accomplished!

9/23 The End...

We spent Tuesday 9/22 with a realtor in Lompoc about 20 minutes from where Michael and Kristen will be working. Budget limitations limited the number of single home properties to a whopping TWO! The first one could only be helped with a match and a bulldozer. It was just horid and would need full gutting and rebuild to be usable. If this was what we had to look forward to things were looking bleak already.

The second house was much better. Someone bought it to remodel and replaced all the windows, interior doors and tiled all the floors except the bedrooms and then walked away. Bank owned and not on the market yet but our agent is an exclusive agent for this bank so nobody knows about it yet. Her contractor is finishing up the interior painting and a few other things and should have a price in the next week or so. The Realtor knows the limits and sounds like it will be priced in that window so with any luck they will be able to get a house 20 minutes from work. Exterior needs paint and the yards are a wreck but plenty of potential. The house next store is listed for 50K more than this one so that's encouraging.

Kristen and I took off for home 9/23 leaving Michael there as he is working this week. he found a room to rent so he'll be back up to collect some things and off he goes again. He and the restaurant owner get along well so hopefully things work out well. For now it's 'hurry up and wait' for the contractor to wrap up and the realtor to price it can call them...

9/20 - the fourth corner!

I departed Phoenix at 0600 wanting to try to 'beat the heat' in Yuma on my way to Southern CA for the forth corner in San Ysidro. It was in the high 70's already so I was betting on a hot ride until I got past El Centro. I guess the weather gods had taken pity on me because it was only in the 90's about noon when I passed thru. Still warm but much more tolerable. After all it's a 'dry heat' :. Once past El Centro I crossed over the mountains and the temps cooled nicely. My GPSy nag routed me off of I-8 and on to CA 125 I believe. Unfortunately this is a toll road. I got raped $9 - double a car rate because of my trailer. I think I went maybe 20 miles. What a rip off! I thought the Jersey Turnpike was bad at $23 and that was for the entire state north to south. Grrrrrrr. Made to San Ysidro and drove around looking for the Post Office. GPSy Lady had them listed but all seemed to be annexes, not the main PO. Stopped at a UPS Store and got pointed in the right direction. got my pix of the fourth corner and headed north about 1330 or so. I was hoping to get thru LA before the evening commute.

Once again I got lucky. Just south of LA proper I was routed to US 101 as I was going up to the Santa Barbara area to meet my daughter. 101 goes right thru downtown LA but I was lucky enough to be a bit early for the commute traffic and only encountered a few pockets of slowed traffic. I made it to Buellton - about an hour north of Santa Barbara and met Kristen and Michael and called it a day 11 hours from starting. All 4 corners are in the bag!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

9/17 TX NM AZ

As typical I headed out early as the AZ temps were going to be extreme. The morning started out very mild but I must have been climbing in elevation as there was a heavy fog and the temps dropped to 60. At my first gas stop about two hours down the road I switched to my heavy jacket and gloves. Much better :). The road continues and runs right along the Mexican border. The Border Patrol is VERY visible along this stretch.

A few hours later I crossed into NM with temps still mild but warming. The next gas stop necessitated a change back to my lighter jacket. From there the temps continued to climb and by my next stop in Tucson is was in the low 90's. I pulled out my cool vest that had been soaking in the ice chest. The cooling effect with the air blowing across provides a nice break from the heat but it evaporates quickly at those temps. I had 150 miles to go to my folks house in Surprise, at the north end of Phoenix. The temps were downright blazing and it felt like a blast furnace. The high temp on my thermometer was only 110! Can you say H O T !! The AC at my folks sure felt nice! The heat sure zaps your energy and I dozed off about 2030 and that was it till morning.

I'll be heading off Monday for corner #4. The temps are forecast to be 108 or so in Yuma so it will be an early departure

9/16 AL MS LA TX

Another early start as the temps were cooler and the sun behind me. Made it thru AL and MS with little fanfare. Going the LA there were vast expanses of swamp on both sides of the hiway. At one point the hiway is elevate 30' or so for 20-30 miles. Both sides of the hiway are covered with thick vegetation and trees but there were some clearings that allowed views of the swamp for as far as you could see. Lots of old cypress tres sticking out everywhere and old stumps dotting the landscape. Eventually the swamps ended and the landscape changed to flat open grassy views.

I reached Houston, TX about 1400 and zillions of cars everywhere. The carpool lanes were signed as restricted use from 1400-2000! The commute here must be horrid to have a 6hr carpool lane restriction. No thanks! Lots of traffic but moving and eventually reached the other side of town. Three hours later I was approaching San Antonio just in time for commute hour. GPSy Lady routed me around the city on one of the loop roads and I only had to endure about 5 miles of slow going. Once past town the speed limit jumps to 80 and traffic starts moving very quickly. It's a two lane divided hiway and traffic once out of town thins quickly making the 80MPH speed quite easy to do. There are no restrictions for trailers so I made good time. I did need to stop for gas a bit sooner than usual though! I made it to Fort Stockton and called it a day. The temps were still warm but the humidity was noticeably lower which was very welcome.

9/15 Florida and beyond

The adventure continued early in the morning to enjoy the cooler temps as long as I could. Mostly interstate travel to make time. At I-10 I began the western direction and continued thru the Florida panhandle and into AL. I made it to Mobile, AL and called it a day. It was warm and humid but not like the Keys but it still takes its toll and I was tired so until tomorrow...

9/14 Corner # 3

Headed south from Jacksonville early. It had cooled off some over night but still very mild. I could see dark skies south and the Weather Channel indicated rain towards Miami. Unfortunately they were correct. I stopped earlier to switch to my waterproof gloves and a light rain jacket. Should have put on the full rain suit. Shortly after the stop the rains came with vengeance. I pounded very hard dumping several inches of water on the roads in minutes. Traffic slowed from 75 to 40 and I crept along barely able to see. I decided to exit and find cover the get the rest of the rain gear on. I found a gas station and pulled under their overhang, got the full suit on, filled the tank and by the time I was ready to leave the heaviest had passed. It was still raining but much lighter making it easier to see. It did not last too much longer but I opted to not change just in case. I eventually made it to the south end of Miami to Hiway 1 which is the only road thru the Keys. It's 105 miles of 2 lane 55 mph road. As you pass thru the each of the many Keys the speed drops and so on all the way. It took almost 2.5 hours to get to Key West. The temp was 92 and the humidity must have been the same. It felt like I was riding in a sauna! YUCK!! Aside from the traffic you have to watch for the 100's of small scooters on the road. I think everyone who lives there has one and tourists can rent them on every corner. They also think they are immune from the usual traffic laws such as stopping at stop signs. Once thru town I found the Post Office, got my 3rd corner picture and then headed to the end of the hiway where there is a buoy indicating the furthest point south. Cuba is 90 miles away. I wandered Duvall Street which is the main drag with assorted restaurants, shops and so forth that want to lighten your wallet. I picked up my usual shot glass, magnets and so on and continued thru the town. After completing the loop I began the trek north. The traffic northbound was lighter so I was able to get back to the Miami area in about 2 hours. From there I headed west and made it to Naples and called it a day. It was cooler but still very humid at 2200.

9/13 South to Florida and westbound...

I arranged for a new front tire in Newport News, VA before continuing on. 18K miles on it and it was well worn. I had called Saturday when I got to VA to see if I could get squeezed in Monday. The shop said they would get in me in. I got there at 0900 and was out the door and 1010. Can't complain about that! Headed to the store to get some supplies and was finally headed south at noon. Weather was clear and temps warm but very comfortable over all. I had planned heading a bit west first and travel the Blue Ridge Parkway and Great Smoky Mountain NP but developments on the home front has resulted in a schedule reset. Kristen and Michael (daughter/pastry chef and her husband/chef) got jobs in Solvang, CA near Santa Barbara. The need to find a place to live, get moved and all the stuff that goes with that necessitated a return a week or so early. So I'll have an excuse for another ride to visit those areas some other time.

I passed thru VA, NC, SC, and made it to Jacksonvilla, FL before calling it a day. I really felt the humidity once in FL. a bit of light rain did not help much either. Next stop, Key West.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 VA

Slept like a rock and woke up to sunny skies finally. Today was an easy day I I only had 4 hrs to go to Newport News to my bother's house. I passed thru the remainder of DE, MD and finally into VA. The traffic was much more tolerable as were the roads. Passing over the Potomac River I could see the Washington Monument in the distance. I arrived around noon, had a nice lunch and caught up on numerous topics from family, work, projects and general chit chat. In general a lazy afternoon The weather was nice and no rain today!

9/9 Southbound

Once again I packed up damp camp gear but that's what trash bags are for! Headed out of camp and took the scenic route along the Maine coast passing thru various small towns along the way. Very scenic with each one providing a different view of the water. Eventually I headed inland to pick up the interstate as my next destination was my brother's in VA. There are not many freeway options other than the dreaded I95. YUCK! First it's a toll road. If that's how they pay for roads somebody is holding out because they are very rough. I passed thru NH again, MA, CT,NY, NJ and DE before calling it a nite. MA gets my vote for the WORST roads so far. Abosolutely bone rattlling with patches on top of patches and very uneven abutments between the roads and overpasses resulting in more sharp jolts. This was by far the most stressful day in 3 weeks. Speed limits are ignored, lane changes are fast and NASCAR style - barely enough space to fit in but they do and back and forth etc etc. I also managed hit NY City at 1700 on a Friday nite. I was dreading the traffic I would encounter. It was slow but not as bad as I expected and the 'Welcome to The Bronx' welcomed me. Fortunately I was on the hiway and not going thru town. Once over the George Washington Bridge you enter NJ and I95 becomes the NJ turnpike. 12 lanes of traffic, 6 in each direction and all full and flying. The speed limit was 65 I was doing 75 and being passed like nobody's business. Again lane changes all around and cutting in and out. I could not do that on a daily basis. I think it was ~120 miles to the border and It cost me $23.50 at the toll booth at the end. What I rip! I get charged for 3 axles with my trailer same as someone towing a boat or travel trailer. What a racket. Those roads should be smooth as glass instead of the horrid mess they are. I continued on thru to DE and called it a nite. I was exhausted after that mess.

9/9 Acadia National Park

Had an easy and scenic ride from the motel to Acadia NP. Took about 90 minutes. The park was quite busy and the visitor center full of visitors. I had expected lighter traffic given school was in session and Labor Day Weekend being the start of the slower session. The park is comprised of a series of several islands. The largest is the primary one visited by most guests. There is a 27 mile loop road around with many view points and exhibits to enjoy. There are vast quantities of pink granite everywhere from centuries old volcanic activities giving a pink hue to the many viewing areas. The highest point is Cadillac Mountain at 1500 ft. It's listed as the highest point in the North East I believe. It provides a 270 degree view from Bar Harbor, numerous islands and finally out to the open ocean. I spent several hours enjoying the many sights. I eventually made my way to the campground and got set up. There is a trail from the camp out the the cliffs above the ocean about 40' below that I enjoyed just watching the waves crash on the rocks below. The rain gods found me once again and a short rain shower passed thru. The 3rd one of the afternoon but all were short. After returning to camp I scared up some dinner and walked thru the campground and another heavier shower passed thru. Seems to be theme the last few days :( and so since it was dark I called it day and read for a bit and nodded off.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

9/8 Maine and the 2nd Corner

As I was waking the morning it was calm and quiet. That lasted about 30 minutes and then the rain started. Murphy lives again! It rained about 30 minutes and moved on so at least I was able to pack without it raining on me at the same time. Left about 0715 under cloudy but dry skies. Today's destination is Madawaska, ME which is the 2nd corner. Fog was hugging the tree tops so unfortunately I was unable to see much. the further north I got the thicker the fog and eventually it turned to rain. Light at first but it continues to increase. As long as I was moving the rain floated around me but ol' Murph was just waiting for me. Road construction and a one lane bridge appears. Of course the lite is red so stop and hurry up and wait. It's raining so now am getting wet. My riding gear is supposedly waterproof but I could feel dampness creeping in. The light changes, I'm following a loaded logging truck and a pickup with an empty flatbed trailer. I leave some room and watch them proceed thru. The empty flat bed takes a good bounce which got my attention. the 'road' is loose gravel that is a mucky mess with the rain. I am not looking forward to this crossing! I proceed VERY slowly dog paddling my way. There are so many pot holes I can't get thru without having to drive into them. There were more holes than flat surface!!! I have to slowly creep into a hole, get my balance and gingerly creep out. Of course the trailer has to take a different path with tugs at time too. I was sweating bullets! I look in the mirror to see how many are lined up behind me and there is big ol' yellow school bus! I finally made it across without tipping over but it sure was scary! The rain continues. The next obstacle are the train tracks. They all are diagonal to the road and really jolt the bike hard and with the rain it makes it very shaky. I get to Madawaska and a gas station I can duck under the cover and get my real rain gear out. I they are on the large side to easily fit over my heavy coat and pants and they are white so I look like a big marshmallow going down the road. And, of course as soon I I get them on the rain stops! (not for long tho). This town built a 4-corners park with nice stone monument fountain and sitting area. You can drive your bike right up to the monument for pictures. Then off to the Post Office for the pics at the PO to prove you were there. This is required if following the org's rules. I pick up a few postcards and my shot glass and start heading south and the rain reappears. Hiway 1 runs thru numerous one-horse towns so speed up, slow down and repeat over and over. The rain comes and gos all afternoon but fairly lightly. I got back to Bangor about 11 hours after I left, got a motel and peeled off the rain gear and grabbed some dinner and another day ends. Off to Acadia NP tomorrow..

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


The motel I was at was rather shabby to say the least! But it served is purpose. Did not rain all night but as soon as I started packing up the trailer it starts! Murphy lives! I continued east thru the Adirondack mountains via NY3, a twisty road that went thru Lake Placid where the Olympics were held some time ago. Looks like it still used a training facility for various sports. The rain gave up about 2 hours in to the day. It was a very light rain but still annoying. Crossed into Vermont and continued down secondary and alternate state highways. Lots of rolling hills, farms and open spaces. After a few hours of rolling thru the back country I crossed into New Hampshire. More back roads and nice scenery and then interstates for a bit. Crossed thru NH and finally into Maine. Temps warmed up to low 80’s and sunny for the first time in days. Although the previous days were comfortable the sun was hidden by high clouds. Also got a taste of the blasted turnpike toll roads here. What a PITA to have to stop every so often for a $1 toll. I did hit one in NY and I got a ticket when I got on and when I got off I gave the ticket back and the corresponding toll. Much easier than the other way.

My target was Bangor, ME but I stopped about 60 miles early and am holed up at the last KOA on the route. I asked at the info station at the border and not much at this end for camping along my route. I did get info on some further north I can use on my way back down though. I’ve got ~275 miles to go to get to the top of ME and the second corner (or 3rd if you count the center). I should be there my mid day Wednesday.

NY 9/6

Left Niagara falls under cloudy but dry skies and continued that theme all day. From the falls I went east and south to the finger lakes region and zig zaged around the lakes. The area is full of various lake front homes so the main hiway is back a ways making it hard to get a good view of the lakes bit I did get a few good peeks. After a few hours of zigging and zagging around the back country areas I headed off towards the next corner. GPSy Lady kept pestering me to turn left, turn right, turn left, blah blah blah thru various small roads resulting in lots of movement but little distance. My fault as I programmed to use the back roads but it got to be a bit much. So I interrupted her and plotted a new route to Madawaska, ME and off we went. At some point I checked the new route and realized she was routing me back into Canada and over the top of Maine. I did not want to go back to CA again since the border crossings can be a pain when backed up especially on a holiday weekend. So I modified her plans again to go towards Bangor and then north. Easier said than done. Seems Maine has little in the way of hiways of any sort so you have to either go over the top or around the bottom. No crossing up the middle etc so yet another few routes created to get me to my destination. And, since I figured out I was being routed thru Canada I ended up being a bit farther north so had to do a bit of east and south travel to get back on track. So I’ll be traveling thru Vermont and New Hampshire tomorrow. It’s ~750 miles from the hotel I am at to the next corner. So probably Wednesday arrival and then south along the coast a bit

Sunday, September 5, 2010

8/29 - 9/5

Headed off to Knee Brass Kee to vist a buddy I used to work with  - 'Wooly' - AKA Mike Woolhiser.  He mvoed to Sargent NE 12 years ago and we have a heck of time getting him to join us for our annual PIP events (Poker In the Pines).  So I figured I'd drop in unannounced.  Left SD and headed south in to NE.  Talk about WIDE open prairies!  NOTHING for miles and miles except corn and more corn.  I was beginning to wonder if I'd find a gas station.  I did, they were about 100 miles apart tho!  Got to Mike's house and Michaela answered.  Took here a few secs and then... Wow, what are you doing here?  We then went across the street to thier farm and found Mike mowing.  Took him a minute too!  Gee you are lot greyer than the last time I saw ya!  Gee thanks Mike!  So now that mowing was interrupted he decided to call it day and we proceed to catch up on 12 years of family, Intel,  etc etc.  Mike has an assortement  of mini animals.. a bull, horse, donkey, mule, fillie,.  Spent the next day getting educated in the finer points of farming, the local area, their cafe - The Ritz.  It was great to catch up!

From Mike's it was off to Lebanon KS, the geographic center of the US.  Not much there, a small monument and a very tiny town.

A U-Turn and I am off towards Thunder Bay, Ontario.  about 600 or miles away.  Mostly interstate this time.  Made it to Souix Falls , SD and got a motel for the the nite

On the road again in the moring.  Got to the border check about 1900.  There were 4 red foxes playing around entertaining the folks in line.  I also immediately lost another hour so now on EST.  Once thru the border it was another hour to Thunder Bay and getting dark.  I headed off to Kakabeca Falls a bit outside of town..  Road construction resulted in gravel roads (YUCK ) and dark, hard to see etc etc.  I got thru it all but opted for a hotel as it was now almost 2200 and I was tired and hungry and did not wan to mess with tent etc at that hour!

Headed to the falls in the morning.  They are nice but not huge by any means.  They are the 2nd highest falls in Ontario per the sign.  My guess - 200 ft or so.  Wandered thru the park bit viewing the falls at different areas and then headed for town again to start the tour of the north shore of Lake Superior