Friday, August 20, 2010

The Journey Begins...

Well the adventure has started!  I rolled out of the driveway @1100 and headed north.  The weather was great ~75.  As the day went on the temps rose and as I rolled thru Redding, CA it was a balmy 99.4!  As I continued up the mountains towards Lake Shasta it dropped back to the lower 90's.  The lake is quite full and lots of houseboats were out.  From there the weather went up and down as I went over mountain passes.  The trailer is definitely full as I can feel the difference vs. not pulling it.  I rolled thru Oregon with temps in the low 90's and dropping as evening arrived.  I was making pretty good time... until the dreaded night construction.  Everything stopped!  It took me over 1/2 hour to go maybe a mile.  So much for making good time.  Once thru that mess I made it thru Portland and  into Washington. The weather cooled quite a bit and required a jacket and glove change.  I don't mind riding in the cool weather but I don't like being cold.  as the evening progressed in to night I was getting tired but my destination was still a few hours away .  I stopped for my last gas stop and plugged in my electric vest as it was getting cooler still. 55 was the last temp I saw so almost a 50 degree swing for the day.  I rolled in to my daughter's in Tacoma at 0100.  A 14 hour day ended and I was ready for bed! 762 miles for the day.  Next stop the first corner.


Anonymous said...

It was great to see you! Hope you have a great trip!! Love ya Daddy!!

SEC said...

This is the summer of hiway construction, hope you feel "stimulated" by it. I've seen lots of patches that were not too bike friendly. Give me a call from the Ritz!

Deborah said...

I remember being on some of that road. Like to see the rest. I have been tracking ya...long ride today...dont get to tired. By the way, Jinx is missing ya.