Thursday, August 26, 2010

ID, MT, WY - Superb ! 8/25

Left Spokane early Tue AM tempos in the mid 30's.  Warmed up to mid 40's over the mountains into ID and warmed nicely thru the day.  Monday was a travel day with the destination of Cooke City or there abouts.  Entered Yellowstone thru the North Gate which I had not been thru before.  Rode thru the park to the East Entrance and enjoyed the views.  Saw assorted elk, and of course bison.  I encountered a small cluster in the road way so had to wait for them to decided to mosey along.  I checked at the east gate and found there was no tent camping allowed in the area due to a mauling a month or so ago.  Motels in Cooke City were $90 a nite and up!  I didn't want to buy it, just spend the nite!  The clerk suggested I cross over into WY about 10 miles down the road.  I did and found a small campground that was almost empty and was a paltry $10 a nite.  much better!   Wednesday I rode over Bearthooth Pass - WY 212.  It's about 60b miles to Red Lodge and it took me almost 5 hours.  the road is full of twisties, awesome views one after the other. Numerous pullouts to take in the scenery.  There are several  lakes, and streams all along.  they are just about completed with paving the road so it's nice fresh smooth blacktop.  It's really hard to ride and look at the same time!  Much of the road has no guard rail so one false move and you're toast!  The summit is ~10,950 feet and the views were incredible.  I continued on down the back side to the end in Red Lodge, had lunch and wandered the town.  Reminds me of Placerville.  Similar size, old town main street etc.  I headed back the same way to enjoy the views from the other direction.  Always something different to see.  I did see 4 mountain goat at one of the stops also.  Got  back to camp about 1630 having covered ~150 miles or so.  The weather was perfect, crystal clear blue skys and 100's of bikes enjoying the day.  It'd don't get much better!


Unknown said...

Randy.... sounds great! Karen & I got to ride the beartooth in '07 going to Wing Ding. Repaving the road again? It was almost brand new back then. Must be stimulus money looking for a place to be spent.
Thanks for the update... Have fun and be safe.


Unknown said...

Randy.... sounds great! Karen & I got to ride the beartooth in '07 going to Wing Ding. Repaving the road again? It was almost brand new back then. Must be stimulus money looking for a place to be spent.
Thanks for the update... Have fun and be safe.


Unknown said...

Randy.... sounds great! Karen & I got to ride the beartooth in '07 going to Wing Ding. Repaving the road again? It was almost brand new back then. Must be stimulus money looking for a place to be spent.
Thanks for the update... Have fun and be safe.


Unknown said...

Don't know how 3 copies made it... oops
