Monday, August 23, 2010

Headed East...Finally

Left Tacoma Saturday morning and bagged the first corner in Blaine, WA.  Did the obligitory photos at the post office, grabbed a few post cards and wandered around town a bit.  Quaint town with a small harbor.  Proud of their gas prices too!  $3.59 - ouch.. No I did not get any there.  Went up into BC to visit friends in Surrey and spent Saturday and Sunday there.  Did a small loop around the area on Saturday and caught up on the events since we did our BC tour in '07.  Sunday we went out an played with Steve's newest toy, a quad.  Sure is a different ride!  A whole different set of skills needed for that.  Mananged not to fly off a cliff or mangle anyone.

Left BC Monday AM and promptly got stuck at the border checkpoint for an hour.  Lines were already long at 0800.  Not a good way to start the day  Once thru that mess I headed east on WA20 - the Cascade Scenic Hiway.  And scenic it was!   Light traffic and a nice road with pently of scenery. The weather was perfect also.  70-80 all day with clear blue skys.  Does not get to much better. Numerous lakes, viewpoints and ever changing scenery.  Not the fastest route but that's the idea.  Got to Spokane about 830PM and called it a day.    Tomorrow I'll be meandering south-east towards Cody, WY.    I'll post pix when I have a better network connection and some power.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a good time at Steve's!! I'm jealous of your quad adventure!!! Stay safe!

Deborah said...

I am so glad that you are having fun with your friend Steve. You take care

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the scenery. It's sure the right time to be there.

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